New Critisism

Zoe Rubens
AP English P5
New Criticism Cathedral
Out of Touch
            When people are out of touch with their world around them many problems can unfold.  Miscommunication, anger, and judgment are only some of the many consciences that are caused by being unaware and uninformed.  The narrator in is the perfect example to demonstrate how closed mindedness and distortion negatively impact your relationships. Raymond Carver’s The Cathedraldemonstrates the how out of touch with reality the narrator is through the use of literary devices. 
The narrator is removed from reality because he bases his knowledge after semi-reliable sources. After the narrator admitted his dislike for blind people he admits to himself that his “idea of blindness came from the movies,” (Carver, Cathedral) By using the word “Idea” the speaker is admitting that he was never sure of his preconceived notions about blind people.  Ideas are so often viewed as the positive result of intelligence and curiosity, yet the speaker’s idea was formed from closed mindedness and naivetés.  This creates a polar juxtaposition that only illuminates the inexperience of the speaker showing that his idea was no more than a notion that media exposed him too.  Likewise movies are fake, even when based off of a true story aspects of it become distorted.  Yet he used this distortedness to form an opinion in the real world.  He used false representations and stereotypes to influence his reality.  His tone is apologetic implying that he is guilty for never taking the time to educate himself and believe what he had seen from movies.  His tone also indicates that he has never met a blind person.In this sense the speaker is out of reality and even with his seeing eyes he cannot actually see the truth in front of him because of his one-sided intelligence.
            Again the speaker shows how out of touch he is with reality. After the speaker learns about how close his wife and the blind man are, and how she shares things with him that she has never shared with anyone before, the narrator becomes increasingly jealous of the blind man and even questions their relationship.  His wife screams, “Are you crazy? Have you flipped or something?”(Carver, Cathedral).  His wife’s tone is obviously annoyed and upset.  This suggests that she is offended by her husband’s accusations as well as insulted that he would think her capable of cheating.  Her double question infers that she is frazzled and that there could be a deeper problem within their relationship. The word crazy is often associated with losing one’s mind; this again shows how out of touch the narrator is with his surroundings. The word crazy could infer that the narrator is both unaware of his wife’s feelings but also her where-abouts.    His accusations are upsetting to his wife because he is so unaware of what is really happening in the relationship between her and the blind man. The narrator’s reality is so biased, and this makes him look more insensitive and narrow minded than he truly is. His lack of touch with reality makes the narrator have a disconnect with his wife and causes him and his wife unhappiness and problems.
            When people are out of touch with reality more harm comes than good.  Miscommunication, anger, and judgment are some of these problems and they affect many different aspects of day to day life.  Raymond Carver’s The Cathedral demonstrates the how out of touch with reality the narrator is through the use of the literary devices tone, diction and symbolism. 

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